Actions That Residential Demolition Contractors Can Take to Ensure Safe Use and Operation of Construction Equipment
For the most part, today's residential demolition contractors use a range of heavy construction equipment such as cranes, bulldozers and excavators to make light work of house demolition jobs. If not properly used and maintained, however, demolition equipment can cause injuries to those operating the equipment as well as other workers present at the work site. For this reason, it is important for demolition contractors to undertake measures that will help minimise injuries that may arise on the job due to the use of construction equipment. Otherwise, the contractors will be held liable for the injuries suffered by their employees or be sued by third-parties who may get injured due to the contractor's negligence.
Here is a look at a raft of measures that residential demolition contractors can put in place to ensure that the heavy construction equipment available to them are safely and efficiently operated.
Equipment operators must be properly trained and experienced.
The first and most important thing that demolition contractors do to ensure safe operation of construction equipment at the jobsite is to employ well-trained and experienced equipment operators. If they will be bringing a house down with a bulldozer, for example, only employees that are trained to operate that particular equipment safely will be allowed to get behind its wheel. This will help ensure that operational safety guidelines are followed to the letter. For example, trained operators will know that exposed moving parts have the potential to cause injury through impact, entanglement and cutting. Therefore, they will need to maintain a safe working distance between the equipment being operated and employees working around the equipment.
Proper maintenance of work equipment.
The heavy construction equipment used to pull down houses are extremely powerful, and the slightest error during operation can lead to property damage, severe personal injury and in worst-case scenarios, death. To cushion against this, demolition contractors regularly check, inspect and maintain their demolition equipment to ensure it is in good working shape. To minimise liability in case of injury caused by faulty equipment, demolition contractors keep documented records of all inspections and servicing carried out.
Not using any faulty equipment.
It is possible for operators to experience problems with construction equipment even when the equipment is being properly maintained. To minimise safety risks, demolition contractors normally instruct personnel operating construction equipment to stop using any faulty equipment and report the issue to immediately.
Now that you are aware of the actions that a demolition contractor can take in regards to ensuring safe use and operation of construction equipment, you can rest assured knowing that they will handle your house demolition job safely and efficiently.
Contact a company like Demoworks for more information.