Making Your Heavy Construction Equipment Last As Long As PossibleMaking Your Heavy Construction Equipment Last As Long As Possible

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Making Your Heavy Construction Equipment Last As Long As Possible

Hi, my name is Jamie, and for close to twenty years, I had the challenging job of running a construction company. We had lots of heavy construction equipment at our disposal, and we faced huge loan payments and bills every time we had to buy new equipment. To help control our bottom line, I began to research strategies for lengthening the lifespan of heavy equipment. I discovered everything from covering equipment with tarps in the rain to training drivers to use the heavy construction equipment more carefully to better insuring equipment. If you are interested in these ideas, please take a look at these posts to see what I have discovered and learned over the years. Thanks for reading.


4 Reasons Why You Need a Crane Rigger at Your Site

When hiring cranes, most people often underestimate the importance of crane riggers. Furthermore, they consider riggers to be an additional fee. The truth is, the rigger is just as crucial as the crane operator. The excerpt below details some of the reasons why you should hire a crane rigger.

1. Delegate Crane Installation

Homeowners do not know much about cranes. As such, there is a likelihood that the crane they hire is not suitable for their site. For instance, although it can lift the intended load, site conditions such as muddiness or too little space could hinder the crane from operating. A rigger will assess your site and advise on a suitable crane. Once the crane arrives at the site, the rigger will find a suitable place to set the crane to ensure it does not topple during operation. 

2. Meet Site Safety Measures

Construction and home renovation sites have different crews, all working at once. Some of the personnel at the site may not know about the risks of crane operation. It is the rigger's work to ensure that everyone knows the safety measures they should observe when the crane is in use. They include: 

  • Site personnel should understand the swing of the crane. It ensures that they know the areas to avoid when the crane is in use.
  • Everyone at the site should wear protective clothing such as reflective jackets and helmets to ensure the operator can see them at all times.
  • Untrained personnel should not attempt to fidget with the crane's controls. It could cause accidents at the site.
  • The rigger should equip personnel with communication skills to ensure that they understand signals while the crane is in use. For example, red flags could mean that the crane is swinging. A green flag could mean that the crane is stationary. 

3. Enjoy Crane Maintenance

After every shift, the crane rigger, in conjunction with the operator, should inspect the crane to establish if it has any defects that could cause malfunctions. It could be a worn-out hoist, cracked pulley, broken tracks or leaking hydraulic system. The rigger will conduct crane maintenance such as oiling the moving parts and replace worn out parts.

4. Handle Crane Operation 

Typically, the rigger will organise site personnel to ensure easy loading and offloading. Besides, they will ensure the load is within the crane's limits. The rigger also instructs the operator when to raise and lower the crane. 

Crane riggers will help with every step of the process. When hiring a rigger, examine their qualifications, licencing and experience.